徐和平教授,2013年起任英国贝尔法斯特女王大学终身教授, 眼免疫实验室主任, 生物服务部主任。爱尔眼科眼视光研究所荣誉所长,中南大学爱尔眼科学院博士生导师。徐教授同时是湖南省“百人计划”入选者,湖南省科协“海智计划”与长沙市“引智计划”海外专家,“湖湘高层次人才聚集工程“创新人才,”长沙市首批高精尖人才领跑工程-产业领军人才” 。
徐教授师从世界著名的眼免疫学家John V. Forrester教授(英国皇家科学院院士,ARVO 2012 Weisenfeld Award获得者),自2005年建立独立实验室以来成绩卓著,其在英国贝尔法斯特女王大学所领导的团队被公认为是的眼免疫学研究团队之一。徐教授二十多年专注于眼科疾病的教学、临床与基础研究工作,特别是近年来在眼病机理以及治疗新方法的研究上建树颇丰。徐教授的研究涵盖了老年黄斑变性、糖尿病视网膜眼病和葡萄膜炎等眼科重要疑难病症。在老年黄斑变性发病机理研究方面提出了“亚炎症(para-inflammation)失调”致病的学说,改变了传统对老年型黄斑变性发病机理的认识,引起国际学界高度重视。除了眼病机理的基础研究工作,徐教授还致力于眼部新药开发的研究,共获得7个有关眼部药物开发的研究项目,部分已进入临床研究阶段。自2005年以来,徐教授以主持人身份获得了多项由欧盟、英国政府,湖南省政府等资助的科研基金如“European Union Horizon 2020”,“Medical Research Council”“Fight for Sight”等总计超500万英镑的科研基金,其团队共发表了150多篇高质量的SCI论文,引用超过7800次,h指数55。参编9部眼科英文专著。受邀在国际大会、大学或研究机构做专题报告80多次,主持国际会议十余次。
电子邮箱: heping.xu65@gmail.com
(1) Llorián-Salvador M, Byrne EM, Szczepan M, Little K, Chen M, Xu H*. Complement activation contributes to subretinal fibrosis through the induction of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in retinal pigment epithelial cells[J]. 2022,19(1):182-198.
(2) Xu H*, Chen M*. Immune response in retinal degenerative diseases - Time to rethink? [J]. Prog Neurobiol. 2022,219.
(3) Yi C, Liu J, Deng W, Luo C, Qi J, Chen M, Xu H*. Macrophage elastase (MMP12) critically contributes to the development of subretinal fibrosis[J]. J Neuroinflammation. 2022 ,19(1):78-93.
(4) Szczepan M, Llorián-Salvador M, Chen M, Xu H*. Immune Cells in Subretinal Wound Healing and Fibrosis[J]. Front Cell Neurosci. 2022 ,16.
(5) Zeng L, Li X, Liu J, Liu H, Xu H*, Yang Z*. RNA-Seq Analysis Reveals an Essential Role of the Tyrosine Metabolic Pathway and Inflammation in Myopia-Induced Retinal Degeneration in Guinea Pigs[J]. Int J Mol Sci. 2021,22(22):12598.
(6) Byrne EM, Llorián-Salvador M, Lyons TJ, Chen M, Xu H*. Tofacitinib Ameliorates Retinal Vascular Leakage in a Murine Model of Diabetic Retinopathy with Type 2 Diabetes[J]. Int J Mol Sci. 2021,22(21):11876.
(7) Byrne EM, Llorián-Salvador M, Tang M, Margariti A, Chen M, Xu H*. IL-17A Damages the Blood–Retinal Barrier through Activating the Janus Kinase 1 Pathway[J]. Biomedicines. 2021,9(7):831-848.
(8) Liu J, Yi C, Ming W, Tang M, Tang X, Luo C, Lei B, Chen M, Xu H*. Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Express Antimicrobial Peptide Lysozyme - A Novel Mechanism of Innate Immune Defense of the Blood-Retina Barrier[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021,62(7):21-31.
(9) Du X, Penalva R, Little K, Kissenpfennig A, Chen M*, Xu H*. Deletion of Socs3 in LysM+ cells and Cx3cr1 resulted in age-dependent development of retinal microgliopathy[J]. Mol Neurodegener. 2021 ,16(1):9-25.
(10) Luo Y, Wan J, Luo C, Liu H, Zhou Y, Xu H*, Chen Z*. Higher aqueous levels of matrix metalloproteinases indicated visual impairment in patients with retina vein occlusion after anti-VEGF therapy[J]. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021,105(7):1029-1034.
(11) Luo Y, Wan J, Luo C, Liu H, Zhou Y, Chen J, Duan Y, Ning X, Zhou Z, Wang K, Li J, Xu H*, Chen Z*. Higher Aqueous Levels of Resistin and Lipocalin-2 Indicated Worse Visual Improvement following anti-VEGF Therapy in Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion[J]. Curr Eye Res. 2021,46(6):845-854.
(12) Chen M, Yang N, Lechner J, Toth L, Hogg R, Silvestri G, Chakravarthy U, Xu H*. Plasma level of lipocalin 2 is increased in neovascular age-related macular degeneration patients, particularly those with macular fibrosis[J]. Immun Ageing. 2020 ,17(1):35-43.
(13) Little K, Llorián-Salvador M, Tang M, Du X, Marry S, Chen M, Xu H*. Macrophage to myofibroblast transition contributes to subretinal fibrosis secondary to neovascular age-related macular degeneration[J]. J Neuroinflammation. 2020,17(1):355-366.
(14) Hombrebueno JR*, Lynch A, Byrne EM, Obasanmi G, Kissenpfennig A, Chen M, Xu H*. Hyaloid Vasculature as a Major Source of STAT3+ (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3) Myeloid Cells for Pathogenic Retinal Neovascularization in Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy[J]. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2020,40(12):e367-e379.
(15) Llorián-Salvador M, Barabas P, Byrne EM, Lechner J, Augustine J, Curtis TM, Chen M, Xu H*. VEGF-B Is an Autocrine Gliotrophic Factor for Müller Cells under Pathologic Conditions[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 ,61(11):35-49.
(16) Liu J, Tang M, Harkin K, Du X, Luo C, Chen M, Xu H*. Single-cell RNA sequencing study of retinal immune regulators identified CD47 and CD59a expression in photoreceptors-Implications in subretinal immune regulation[J]. J Neurosci Res. 2020,98(7):1498-1513.
(17) Obasanmi G, Lois N, Armstrong D, Lavery NJ, Hombrebueno JR, Lynch A, Wright DM, Chen M, Xu H*. Circulating Leukocyte Alterations and the Development/Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 1 Diabetic Patients - A Pilot Study[J]. Curr Eye Res. 2020 ,45(9):1144-1154.
(18) Little K, Llorián-Salvador M, Tang M, Du X, O'Shaughnessy ?, McIlwaine G, Chen M, Xu H*. A Two-Stage Laser-Induced Mouse Model of Subretinal Fibrosis Secondary to Choroidal Neovascularization[J]. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2020,9(4):3-13.
(19) Hombrebueno JR, Cairns L, Dutton LR, Lyons TJ, Brazil DP, Moynagh P, Curtis TM, Xu H*. Uncoupled turnover disrupts mitochondrial quality control in diabetic retinopathy[J]. JCI Insight. 2019 Dec 5;4(23):e129760.
(20) Wang L, Pavlou S, Du X, Bhuckory M, Xu H*, Chen M*. Glucose transporter 1 critically controls microglial activation through facilitating glycolysis[J]. Mol Neurodegener. 2019,14(1):2-16.
(21) Chen M, Chan CC, Xu H*. Cholesterol homeostasis, macrophage malfunction and age-related macular degeneration[J]. Ann Transl Med. 2018,6(Suppl 1):S55.
(22) Little K, Ma JH, Yang N, Chen M, Xu H*. Myofibroblasts in macular fibrosis secondary to neovascular age-related macular degeneration - the potential sources and molecular cues for their recruitment and activation[J]. EBioMedicine. 201,38:283-291.
(23) Chen M, Luo C, Zhao J, Devarajan G, Xu H*. Immune regulation in the aging retina[J]. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2019 ,69:159-172.
(24) Hombrebueno JR, Ali IHA, Ma JX, Chen M, Xu H*. Antagonising Wnt/β-catenin signalling ameliorates lens-capsulotomy-induced retinal degeneration in a mouse model of diabetes[J]. Diabetologia. 2018 ,61(11):2433-2446.
(25) Akhtar-Sch?fer I, Wang L, Krohne TU, Xu H*, Langmann T*. Modulation of three key innate immune pathways for the most common retinal degenerative diseases[J]. EMBO Mol Med. 2018,10(10):e8259.
(26) Luo C, Zhao J, Chen M, Xu H*. The expression of C1 inhibitor (C1INH) in macrophages is upregulated by retinal pigment epithelial cells - implication in subretinal immune privilege in the aging eye[J]. Aging (Albany NY). 2018,10(6):1380-1389.
(27) Kaarniranta K, Xu H*, Kauppinen A*. Mechanistical retinal drug targets and challenges[J]. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2018 ,126:177-184.
(28) Chen M, Zhao J, Ali IHA, Marry S, Augustine J, Bhuckory M, Lynch A, Kissenpfennig A, Xu H*. Cytokine Signaling Protein 3 Deficiency in Myeloid Cells Promotes Retinal Degeneration and Angiogenesis through Arginase-1 Up-Regulation in Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis[J]. Am J Pathol. 2018 ,188(4):1007-1020.
(29) Rajapakse D, Curtis T, Chen M, Xu H*. Zinc Protects Oxidative Stress-Induced RPE Death by Reducing Mitochondrial Damage and Preventing Lysosome Rupture[J]. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017,2017:6926485.
(30) Rajapakse D, Chen M, Curtis TM, Xu H*. PKCζ-dependent upregulation of p27kip1 contributes to oxidative stress induced retinal pigment epithelial cell multinucleation[J]. Aging (Albany NY). 2017 ,9(10):2052-2068.
(31) Lechner J, Chen M, Hogg RE, Toth L, Silvestri G, Chakravarthy U, Xu H*. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from neovascular age-related macular degeneration patients produce higher levels of chemokines CCL2 (MCP-1) and CXCL8 (IL-8) [J]. J Neuroinflammation. 2017,14(1):42-53.
(32) Xu H*, Chen M. Diabetic retinopathy and dysregulated innate immunity. Vision Res[J]. 2017,139:39-46.
(33) De Majumdar S, Subinya M, Korward J, Pettigrew A, Scherer D, Xu H*. A Low Concentration of Tacrolimus/Semifluorinated Alkane (SFA) Eyedrop Suppresses Intraocular Inflammation in Experimental Models of Uveitis[J]. Curr Mol Med. 2017,17(3):211-220.
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